Made at Parasol Island / Design / X-Particles / Compositing
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nanoFlowcell, well known for their revolutionary thinking on modern mobile energy solutions, briefed us to develop and produce the media content for the Quant stand at the Geneva Motor Show. They needed content for 2 magnificent 6-meter-high video towers, each with three LED walls, and an interactive touch-screen. Made at Parasol Island.
Parasol Island contacted Jupiter Pictures to help create a “space jellyfish” using particles and glowing pulses on footage acquired in an aquarium. The tentacles were tracked by hand in c4d, and then the particles were generated from the resulting data. The pulses were projected on quasi matched geometry and saved with a lot of roto. Comped in AE with help from Genarts Sapphire, naturally.
blue space jellyfish…
…meet pink space jellyfish.
C4D r19, Cycles 4d, X-Particles, 50fps @4k. @2021 Parasol Island.. All Rights Reserved.